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Insulin sensitivity weight loss -

21-12-2016 à 17:59:53
Insulin sensitivity weight loss
Contribution of abdominal obesity and hypertriglyceridemia to impaired fasting glucose and coronary artery disease. (2011) Incremental Weight Loss Improves Cardiometabolic Risk in Extremely Obese Adults. CrossRef 28 Young Ran Lee. Fitzgibbon, Angela Kong, Angela Odoms-Young. (2015) The 2012 University of Cape Town Faculty of Health Sciences centenary debate. CrossRef 127 Deborah Bujnowski, Pengcheng Xun, Martha L. McDoniel, Patricia Wolskee, Jeff Shen. Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods in Human Health and Disease Prevention, 327-340. (2014) Favorable effects of low-fat and low-carbohydrate dietary patterns on serum leptin, but not adiponectin, among overweight and obese premenopausal women: a randomized trial. Berry. (2014) A high-fibre bean-rich diet versus a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity. Limit sugar, supermarket foods low in fat are high in sugar. CrossRef 89 Stacey Bell. M. A. CrossRef 79 C. Statistical Analysis The primary end point was weight loss at six months. Ryan. Relationships between insulin resistance and lipoproteins in nondiabetic African Americans, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic whites: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased by 2 mm Hg and 1 mm Hg, respectively, in the low-carbohydrate group. Hodgson, B. (2012) Macronutrient Intakes and Development of Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Cohort Studies. Desmond, R. Cross, Michael Harrison. CrossRef 66 Judith Wylie-Rosett, Karin Aebersold, Beth Conlon, Carmen R. Our study included a high proportion of black subjects, a group previously underrepresented in lifestyle-modification studies. E. Rood, Donna H. Whybrow. Ard, Gary Miller, Scott Kahan. Wadden. (2012) Lifestyle Modifications and Surgical Options in the Treatment of Patients with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Is hypertriglyceridemia a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Wycherley, M. J. Nguyen, Shahad Abdulnour, Korbua Srichaikul, Leanne Shamrakov, Ambika Dewan, John L. I. Vetter, Anastassia Amaro, Sheri Volger. K. Rovenko, I. Weickert. Mansour, Remi W. C. CrossRef 42 Haruka Noto, Katsutoshi Tokushige, Etsuko Hashimoto, Makiko Taniai, Keiko Shiratori. (2015) Effect of low-fat diet interventions versus other diet interventions on long-term weight change in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sparano. P. O. Proteins, amino acids, and type 2 diabetes. (2016) Influence of a low-carbohydrate diet on endothelial microvesicles in overweight women. Data were analyzed with Nutribase Management software (CyberSoft). Eat food high in fibre to slow digestion and increase satiety. M. Gemfibrozil for the secondary prevention of coronary heart disease in men with low levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. M. (2016) Changes in liking for sweet and fatty foods following weight loss in women are related to prop phenotype but not to diet. e. (2012) The Carnivore Connection Hypothesis: Revisited. CrossRef 39 S. CrossRef 77 F. Asano, M. Tonstad, N. CrossRef 82 Eugene J. Thom, Hans-Peter Kubis. Diabetes Pathophysiology. (2010) Efficacy of cholesterol uptake inhibition added to statin therapy among subjects following a low-carbohydrate diet: A randomized controlled trial. The greater weight loss in the low-carbohydrate group suggests a greater reduction in overall caloric intake, rather than a direct effect of macronutrient composition. (2016) Impact of low-carbohydrate diet on body composition: meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. E. CrossRef 57 Yan Song, Simon Liu. CrossRef 116 Mark Hopkins, Neil King, John Blundell. The high dropout rate in our study occurred very early and affected our findings. Westerterp-Plantenga. L. Indira Paharia, Larina Kase. Gower. J. New York: Warner Books, 2000:434. 2012. Strategies for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. red meat, milk and cheese. (2011) Longitudinal Association between Animal and Vegetable Protein Intake and Obesity among Men in the United States: The Chicago Western Electric Study. Noakes, P. 2012. No adverse effects on other serum lipid levels were observed. (2011) Increased ratio of dietary carbohydrate to protein shifts the focus of metabolic signaling from skeletal muscle to adipose. Matthews, Samuel A. Inclusion criteria were an age of at least 18 years and a body-mass index (the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters) of at least 35. Jenkins, Arash Mirrahimi, Tri H. CrossRef 22 Harry Preuss, Debasis Bagchi, Dallas Clouatre, Anand Swaroop, Nicholas Perricone. Subjects received a diet-overview handout, instructional nutrition labels, sample menus and recipes, and a book on counting calories and carbohydrates. Bontempo, Abdissa Negassa, Joseph A. CrossRef 54 Masahiro Yuasa, Tomoyoshi Matsui, Saori Ando, Yoshie Ishii, Hiromi Sawamura, Shuhei Ebara, Toshiaki Watanabe. (2014) Return of hunger following a relatively high carbohydrate breakfast is associated with earlier recorded glucose peak and nadir. CrossRef 65 K. CrossRef 100 Takashi Yamaguchi, Yoh Miyashita, Atsuhito Saiki, Fusako Watanabe, Hitoshi Watanabe, Kohji Shirai. Journal of Diabetes and its Complications 25, 371-376. (2013) A randomized trial of energy-restricted high-protein versus high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet in morbid obesity. Diets. 2011. Nutrition: Its Relevance in Development and Treatment of the Metabolic Syndrome. Obesity. CrossRef 14 Thomas Semlitsch, Klaus Jeitler, Andrea Berghold, Karl Horvath, Nicole Posch, Stephanie Poggenburg, Andrea Siebenhofer, Thomas Semlitsch. S. Comprehensive Handbook of Clinical Health Psychology, 81-103. McGrane, Alan Dardik, Maria Luz Fernandez. Drink 6-8 glasses of room temperature water a day. Kelly. McKinley, Steven J. In comparison, one subject in the low-fat group had a dose reduction in insulin and one subject began oral therapy. Excess weight in terms of complementary medicine is seen as an excess condition of toxicity that needs to be eliminated. Perkhulyn, V. Keogh, P. CrossRef 135 EW Derman, S Whitesman, M Dreyer, DN Patel, CJ Nossel, EV Lambert, MP Schwellnus. M. e1-918. CrossRef 18 Jihyun Seo, Hyesun Ma, Sunghee Kim, Jiyoung Kim, Minseo Shin, Yoon Jung Yang. (2012) Pancreas transplantation after bariatric surgery. Advances in Food and Nutrition Research Volume 66, 147-215. (2010) Session 4: CVD, diabetes and cancer Diet, insulin resistance and diabetes: the right (pro)portions. Miller. (2013) Association of high carbohydrate versus high fat diet with glycated hemoglobin in high calorie consuming type 2 diabetics. (2011) Dietary approaches for polycystic ovary syndrome. One subject on the low-carbohydrate diet died from complications of hyperosmolar coma, which was thought to be due to poor compliance with drug therapy for diabetes. Abeyta, Boris Draznin, Marc-Andre Cornier. van Vught, Margriet S. Supported by funding from the Veterans Affairs Healthcare Network Competitive Pilot Project Grant. (2010) A 24-week randomised controlled trial comparing usual care and metabolic-based diet plans in obese adults. CrossRef 113 Lisa A Te Morenga, Megan T Levers, Sheila M Williams, Rachel C Brown, Jim Mann. CrossRef 111 Kyung-Won Paek, Ki-Hong Chun. This finding should be interpreted with caution, given the small magnitude of overall and between-group differences in weight loss in these markedly obese subjects and the short duration of the study. Morris. (2013) Hydrogen Peroxide Mediates Endothelium-Dependent Dilation of Coronary Arterioles in Obese Rats on a Low-Carbohydrate Diet. (2012) The role of high-protein diets in body weight management and health. There was no clinically significant change in the uric acid level in either group ( Table 4 ). CrossRef 7 Chikako Oyabu, Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Takuya Fukuda, Muhei Tanaka, Mai Asano, Masahiro Yamazaki, Michiaki Fukui. Jones, Rekha Kumar, Ralph La Forge, Varman T. Collins, Susan L. The subjects assigned to the low-carbohydrate diet were instructed to restrict carbohydrate intake to 30 g per day or less. (2016) Long-term ketogenic diet contributes to glycemic control but promotes lipid accumulation and hepatic steatosis in type 2 diabetic mice. (2016) Long-Term Effects of a Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing High Protein or High Carbohydrate Weight Loss Diets on Testosterone, SHBG, Erectile and Urinary Function in Overweight and Obese Men. Cleanthous, J. M. CrossRef 83 G. Lustig. CrossRef 122 Gal Dubnov-Raz, Elliot M. (2014) Carbohydrate-Restricted Diet and Acute Coronary Syndrome. CrossRef 44 Adana AM Llanos, Jessica L Krok, Juan Peng, Michael L Pennell, Susan Olivo-Marston, Mara Z Vitolins, Cecilia R DeGraffinreid, Electra D Paskett. Dietary protein and weight reduction: a statement for healthcare professionals from the Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism of the American Heart Association. CrossRef 25 Harry Preuss, Dallas Clouatre. The very early dropout of these subjects may indicate that attrition most closely reflected base-line motivation to lose weight, rather than a response to the dietary intervention itself. Triglyceride, insulin, and glucose levels were skewed and were therefore log-transformed for analysis. Lushchak, D. Lushchak. CrossRef 72 S. (2011) Set-Point Theory and Obesity. P. Romijn. Daviglus, Linda Van Horn, Ka He, Jeremiah Stamler. Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity, 447-458. Headley. J. (2016) The Role of Macronutrient Content in the Diet for Weight Management. Methods We randomly assigned 132 severely obese subjects (including 77 blacks and 23 women) with a mean body-mass index of 43 and a high prevalence of diabetes (39 percent) or the metabolic syndrome (43 percent) to a carbohydrate-restricted (low-carbohydrate) diet or a calorie- and fat-restricted (low-fat) diet. CrossRef 68 Cecilia C. S. B. 2013. CrossRef 131 Richard D. Veldhorst, Klaas R. All P values were two-sided, and a P value of 0. B. a Low-fat Diet in Obese, Diabetic Participants. Gospodaryov, B. V. CrossRef 88 Shelley Kirk, Bonnie Brehm, Brian E. (2011) The Dietary Treatment of Obesity. Reduce meal portions or have five small meals per day. Ditschuneit. J. CrossRef 130 Mara Smith, Nina Politzer, Debra MacGarvie, Mary-Pat McAndrews, Martin del Campo. CrossRef 53 2013. As compared with the white subjects, the black subjects had a smaller overall weight loss. Yurkevych, N. CrossRef 128 Lisa Te Morenga, Jim Mann. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 00-00. CrossRef 73 Zhaleh Shadman, Mohsen Khoshniat, Nooshin Poorsoltan, Mahdieh Akhoundan, Maryam Omidvar, Bagher Larijani, Saeed Hoseini. Hunter. Wycherley, G. Obesity. M. 2011. During the study, there were no changes in lipid-lowering therapy in the low-fat group, whereas two subjects on the low-carbohydrate diet started taking a statin and one stopped taking a statin. 8 Serum insulin levels were measured by radioimmunoassay (Laboratory Corporation of America). CrossRef 29 Yoo-Min An, Dae Won Jun, Seung Min Lee. (2010) The role of fructose in the pathogenesis of NAFLD and the metabolic syndrome. CrossRef 11 Xiaoyu Zhang, Juliang Qin, Yihan Zhao, Jueping Shi, Rong Lan, Yunqiu Gan, Hua Ren, Bing Zhu, Min Qian, Bing Du. CrossRef 110 Adriana Branchi, Adriana Torri, Cristina Berra, Emanuela Colombo, Domenico Sommariva. (2013) Diets for body weight control and health: the potential of changing the macronutrient composition. (2016) Nutrition Interventions for Obesity. CrossRef 165 T. CrossRef 167 Michael Freemark. Long-term effects of weight-reducing diets in people with hypertension. CrossRef 115 Suzanne Phelan, Kris Jankovitz, Todd Hagobian, Barbara Abrams. He, T. (2014) Protein leverage and energy intake. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 111:8, 1150-1155. CrossRef 125 Volker Schusdziarra, Margit Hausmann, Corina Wiedemann, Julie Hess, Cornelia Barth, Stefan Wagenpfeil, Johannes Erdmann. (2010) Treating obesity with a novel hand-held device, computer software program, and Internet technology in primary care: The SMART motivational trial. Kendall. (2010) In the face of contradictory evidence: Report of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Committee. 2012. Johnson. Turner, William S. (2016) Gut Microbiota and Lifestyle Interventions in NAFLD. CrossRef 63 K J Acheson. Cheskin. Katz. Cuevas, Fatima Rodriguez. (2010) Presence or absence of carbohydrates and the proportion of fat in a high-protein diet affect appetite suppression but not energy expenditure in normal-weight human subjects fed in energy balance. Horgan, S. Naturopathic Causes and Treatment of Obesity and Weight Loss. Gosby, A. Wittert, Manny Noakes, Neal Shore. Dashti. (2010) Enhanced weight loss with protein-enriched meal replacements in subjects with the metabolic syndrome. Brand-Miller. Wang, Rebecca L. 2016. CrossRef 137 Osamu EZAKI. Other data collected at enrollment and at six months included waist size, self-reported medical history, blood pressure, and glucose and serum lipid levels, measured in blood specimens obtained after an overnight fast (Synchron LX20 Clinical Chemistry System, Beckman Coulter). S. CrossRef 162 T. There were no other significant differences in weight loss between the groups. Oyabu, M. CrossRef 136 Jung-Eun Yim, Young-Seol Kim, Mi-Ran Cho, Ryowon Choue. (2011) Meta-analysis of studies of a specific delivery mode for a modified-carbohydrate diet. (2012) Effects of a high protein diet on body weight and comorbidities associated with obesity. Age, menopause, slow metabolism, child bearing, convenience and big bones, are some excuses people use. Segal-Isaacson, Richard D. The primary analysis included all 132 subjects: the 79 subjects who completed the study, the 29 subjects who dropped out but had six-month data available from records of routine office visits, and the 24 subjects for whom the weight recorded at the last follow-up visit was carried forward. Yamazaki, M. Relationship between insulin resistance and an endogenous nitric oxide synthase inhibitor. (2015) Choosing Healthy Fats. (2015) Interplay between Proteins and Metabolic Syndrome- A Review. Adochio, J. (2010) Dietary Approaches to Obesity. (2016) Meta-analysis of variance: an illustration comparing the effects of two dietary interventions on variability in weight. American Heart Journal 159, 918. CrossRef 33 Harry Preuss, Jeffrey Preuss. The Journal of Pediatrics 161, 320-327. Bonomi, Sofie G. Fine, C. CrossRef 147 Margriet A. Appetite, Body Weight, Health Implications of a Low-Glycemic-Load Diet. Raubenheimer, S. CrossRef 163 Jung Sub Lim, Michele Mietus-Snyder, Annie Valente, Jean-Marc Schwarz, Robert H. A review of very low carbohydrate diets for weight loss. (2012) Systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials of the effects of low carbohydrate diets on cardiovascular risk factors. CrossRef 87 Amani Alhazmi, Elizabeth Stojanovski, Mark McEvoy, Manohar L. 2010. Yancy. CrossRef 59 Pavlos Pissios, Shangyu Hong, Adam Richard Kennedy, Deepthi Prasad, Fen-Fen Liu, Eleftheria Maratos-Flier. Esteves, A. Villa, Cyril W. CrossRef 61 P Sumithran, L A Prendergast, E Delbridge, K Purcell, A Shulkes, A Kriketos, J Proietto. T. Future studies should explore whether greater weight loss in this population can be achieved by more effective incorporation of culturally sensitive dietary counseling. 2013. Vegetables and fruits with high ratios of fiber to carbohydrate were recommended. Carbohydrates and satiety. Citing Articles 1 Wenpeng You, Maciej Henneberg. Miller III, Rick Stein, Sam Klein, Gary D. (2011) Successful weight loss and maintenance in everyday clinical practice with an individually tailored change of eating habits on the basis of food energy density. Eat complex carbohydrates, nuts and seeds, legumes and grains and fat. A Guide to Evidence-based Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 444-470. Spangler, Lukas Burget, Paul Pfluger, Claudia Reinel, Michael Czisch, Martin Reincke, Silvana Obici, Ellen Kienzle, Matthias H. (2015) Low Carbohydrate Rather Than Low Fat Is More Important in Dietary Management of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. CrossRef 36 (2014) Expert panel report: Guidelines (2013) for the management of overweight and obesity in adults. 6 The subjects assigned to the low-fat diet received instruction in accordance with the obesity-management guidelines of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 7 including caloric restriction sufficient to create a deficit of 500 calories per day, with 30 percent or less of total calories derived from fat. e6. Nutritional and Integrative Strategies in Cardiovascular Medicine, 147-178. (2012) Comparison of the effects of 52 weeks weight loss with either a high-protein or high-carbohydrate diet on body composition and cardiometabolic risk factors in overweight and obese males. (2014) Factors associated with choice of a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet during a behavioral weight loss intervention. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were calculated according to the Friedewald formula. Diets treat the symptom and not the causes. Future studies evaluating long-term cardiovascular outcomes are needed before a carbohydrate-restricted diet can be endorsed. 5 No specific exercise program was recommended. CrossRef 90 C D Gardner. Simpson. (2016) Effects of the difference between actual body condition and body image perception on nutrient intake, weight control and mental health in Korean adults: Based on the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. (2012) Changes in Serum Lipids and Blood Glucose in Non Diabetic Patients with Metabolic Syndrome after Mixed Meals of Different Composition. (2010) Effects of a Low-intensity Intervention That Prescribed a Low-carbohydrate vs. PRATT-PHILLIPS, L. This store is powered by Ecwid - E-Commerce Software. Effect of 6-month adherence to a very low carbohydrate diet program. (2013) Ketosis and appetite-mediating nutrients and hormones after weight loss. For analyses of changes in dietary intake, serum lipid levels, glycemic control, and insulin sensitivity, we included all subjects, with base-line values carried forward for subjects who dropped out of the study. Effects of Different Dietary Fibers on Sugar-Induced Blood Pressure Elevations in Hypertensive Rats: Focus on Viscosity.

Arroyave, J. (2013) Methionine and choline regulate the metabolic phenotype of a ketogenic diet. Long-term effects of weight-reducing diets in hypertensive patients. CrossRef 98 (2012) Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for protein. Garg. McCUTCHEON, R. Wood. CrossRef 156 Gal Dubnov-Raz, Elliot M. Keogh, G. Poppitt. Fridell. Integrative Treatment of Hypertension, 99-108. Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 55, 191-195. 12 Dawson-Saunders B, Trapp RG. CrossRef 107 Martin O. CrossRef 24 Neetu Miglani, Kiran Bains. Williams Textbook of Endocrinology, 1605-1632. Relax, take a deep breath, and eat slowly. B. D. People often have an excuse as to why they are overweight. (2014) Nutrigenomics of Body Weight Regulation: A Rationale for Careful Dissection of Individual Contributors. B. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition 28:1, 19-33. CrossRef 58 Tugrul Purnak, Yusuf Yilmaz. Kimmel for their detailed review of and comments on the manuscript. C. Obesity is associated with complications in pregnancy, heart disease, late onset diabetes and certain cancers, in particular those related to oestrogen and the gastrointestinal tract. Abstract Background The effects of a carbohydrate-restricted diet on weight loss and risk factors for atherosclerosis have been incompletely assessed. H. Insulin sensitivity was measured only in subjects without diabetes. Puddey, Sofia Sipsas, Jonathan M. (2013) Obesity, adiposity, and dyslipidemia: A consensus statement from the National Lipid Association. The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences 69, 3-12. (2013) Weight Loss Maintenance in African American Women: A Systematic Review of the Behavioral Lifestyle Intervention Literature. CrossRef 46 O. CrossRef 55 Marta Focardi, Andrea Picchi, Sandra Donnini, Matteo Cameli, Marina Ziche, Mario Marzilli, Sergio Mondillo. (2011) The Optimal Dietary Fat to Carbohydrate Ratio to Prevent Obesity in the Japanese Population: A Review of the Epidemiological, Physiological and Molecular Evidence. Malik, E. (2010) A High-Protein Diet With Resistance Exercise Training Improves Weight Loss and Body Composition in Overweight and Obese Patients With Type 2 Diabetes. Keogh, M. (2011) Efficacy and tolerability of the Modified Atkins Diet in adults with pharmacoresistant epilepsy: A prospective observational study. There was a consistent trend across weight-loss strata toward a greater increase in insulin sensitivity in the low-carbohydrate group, although these changes were small and were not significant within each stratum. Satiation, Satiety and the Control of Food Intake, 166-181. 6 No instruction on restricting total fat intake was provided. CrossRef 67 Riccardo Dalle Grave, Simona Calugi, Ilaria Gavasso, Marwan El Ghoch, Giulio Marchesini. Alarmingly I find that women of a healthy weight are now described as skinny and overweight women are accepted as the norm because they are the majority. New York: Academic Press, 1977. Clifton, X. Methods Subjects The study was approved by the institutional review board at the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and an approved consent form was signed by each subject. (2013) Acute effects of different diet compositions on skeletal muscle insulin signalling in obese individuals during caloric restriction. Conclusions Severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes or the metabolic syndrome lost more weight during six months on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a calorie- and fat-restricted diet, with a relative improvement in insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels, even after adjustment for the amount of weight lost. Lim, M. 2014. 12 Linear regression and two-way analysis of covariance models were used to correct for potentially confounding variables and to identify interactions between variables and diet-group assignment. Lankarani, Seyed Moayed Alavian. Yancy Jr, J. e1. 12 Missing waist sizes were imputed by linear extrapolation on the basis of height and weight. If your browser does not support JavaScript, please proceed to its simple HTML version. W. Ellis, Krista Casazza, Renee Desmond, Barbara A. CrossRef 85 Peter Clifton. da Costa Pereira, W. S. Fukui. CrossRef 45 Mujeeb Sheikh, Mangeet Chahal, Jayme Rock-Willoughby, Blair P. Select food low in saturated fats i. (2010) High-intensity exercise and carbohydrate-reduced energy-restricted diet in obese individuals. Naturopathy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Fluoride Removal Water Filters. (2013) Improvements in Glucose Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity with a Low-Carbohydrate Diet in Obese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. (2015) Development and Application of Low-Carbohydrates and Low-Simple Sugar Nutrition Education Materials for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients. Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Santos, S. M. Berry. A. Discussion We found that severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome lost more weight in a six-month period on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a fat- and calorie-restricted diet. Nunes. Griffin, Stephen Colagiuri. Obesity. (2012) Tailoring dietary approaches for weight loss. A. (2012) Dietary Protein Intake and Blood Pressure: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. e1. D. Fukuda, C. (2010) Optimal dietary approaches for prevention of type 2 diabetes: a life-course perspective. (2012) Targeting insulin inhibition as a metabolic therapy in advanced cancer: A pilot safety and feasibility dietary trial in 10 patients. Dalton-Bakes, Monique Dowd, Catherine Williams-Smith, Serena Cardillo, Thomas A. (2011) Lupin and soya reduce glycaemia acutely in type 2 diabetes. However, even after adjustment for the differences in weight loss between the groups, assignment to the low-carbohydrate diet predicted greater improvements in triglyceride levels and insulin sensitivity. Webb, Thomas A. Westerterp, Anneke J. (2016) Meat consumption providing a surplus energy in modern diet contributes to obesity prevalence: an ecological analysis. (2010) Efficacy and Safety of a High Protein, Low Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss in Severely Obese Adolescents. Dashti, Sami Asfar, Naji Al-Zaid, Hussein M. CrossRef 138 Samuel Klein, Elisa Fabbrini, Johannes A. Wadden. , the proportion of complex carbohydrates or the ratio of carbohydrate to fiber), or other unknown variables may have contributed to this effect. GEOR. Rao, Beverly J. Wong, Arash Mirrahimi, Chris R. 12 We assessed the normality of the distribution of all variables before using the t-test. CrossRef 96 K. Geoffry Chase. Buckley, P. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research 30, 18-53. Modi, Arumugam Muruganathan, Banshi Saboo, Rakesh Sahay, Rajesh Upadhyay. Childhood Obesity. (2013) Consumption of a low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet (the ketogenic diet) exaggerates biotin deficiency in mice. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 32, 11-17. Since the 29 subjects whose final weight was obtained from office records were weighed on a different scale from that used in the study, we performed a second analysis that included all subjects, with base-line weights carried forward for all 53 subjects who dropped out. Endocrine Secrets, 78-89. Rebholz, E. CrossRef 153 S. Berman, Nora Tomuta, Judith Wylie-Rosett, Stuart D. CrossRef 86 T P Wycherley, G D Brinkworth, P M Clifton, M Noakes. 2015. Haddad. Diet, Physical Activity, and Substrate Oxidation. CrossRef 121 Andrea Siebenhofer, Klaus Jeitler, Andrea Berghold, Andreas Waltering, Lars G Hemkens, Thomas Semlitsch, Christoph Pachler, Reinhard Strametz, Karl Horvath, Andrea Siebenhofer. CrossRef 143 Chung-Jung Chiu, Allen Taylor. 2011. Conigrave, D. For comparison of continuous variables between the two groups, we calculated the change from base line to six months in each subject and compared the mean changes in the two diet groups using an unpaired t-test. Shelke, R. (2014) Weight Loss, Glycemic Control, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Response to Differential Diet Composition in a Weight Loss Program in Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized Controlled Trial. McDoniel, R. Coronary heart disease in patients with low LDL-cholesterol: benefit of pravastatin in diabetics and enhanced role for HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides as risk factors. 2010. (2012) Formula Diet is Effective for the Reduction and Differentiation of Visceral Adipose Tissue in Zucker Fatty Rats. Poddar, Meghan Ames, Chen Hsin-Jen, Mary Jo Feeney, Youfa Wang, Lawrence J. Dichotomous variables were compared by chi-square analysis. CrossRef 176 Cornelia Meffert, Nikolaus Gerdes. Article Activity 517 articles have cited this article Article The differences in health benefits between a carbohydrate-restricted diet and a calorie- and fat-restricted diet are of considerable public interest. During an enrollment period that lasted from May to November 2001, 132 subjects from the Philadelphia Veterans Affairs Medical Center were randomly assigned to either the low-carbohydrate diet or the low-fat diet, with use of a preestablished algorithm generated from a random set of numbers. Hashimoto, T. (2011) The application of the glycemic index and glycemic load in weight loss: A review of the clinical evidence. D. Grubb. Nutritional and Therapeutic Interventions for Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, 89-101. (2011) Clinical Nutrition Therapy of Metabolic Syndrome in Adolescents. Brinkworth, J. Simpson, David Raubenheimer. The carbohydrate-restricted diet led to greater improvements in insulin sensitivity that were independent of weight loss and a greater reduction in triglyceride levels in subjects who lost more than 5 percent of their base-line weight. CrossRef 112 J. CrossRef 170 David J. (2012) Almonds for Nutritious and Delightful Breakfast Cereals. Noakes, J. Other uncontrolled variables, such as the types of carbohydrates selected (e. (2014) Nutritional Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity and Pharmacologic Therapies to Facilitate Weight Loss. 05 or less was considered to indicate statistical significance. V. (2010) Low-carbohydrate diets reduce lipid accumulation and arterial inflammation in guinea pigs fed a high-cholesterol diet. (2010) Long-term effects of a low carbohydrate, low fat or high unsaturated fat diet compared to a no-intervention control. CrossRef 154 (2010) Scientific Opinion on the substantiation of health claims related to protein and increase in satiety leading to a reduction in energy intake (ID 414, 616, 730), contribution to the maintenance or achievement of a normal body weight (ID 414, 616, 730), mai. (2011) Differential effects of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets on inflammation and endothelial function in diabetes. CrossRef 169 Rachel Golan, Dan Schwarzfuchs, Meir J Stampfer, Iris Shai. Y. Although enrolling these subjects introduced confounding variables, it allowed the inclusion of subjects with the obesity-related medical disorders typically encountered in clinical practice. (2010) Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Hodgson. Krebs, Damon Bell, Rosemary Hall, Amber Parry-Strong, Paul D. CrossRef 103 Regina Belski. However there is no add campaign telling us that fast food will lead to gangrene, although it can. Did you know that central obesity is as much linked to cardiovascular disease as cigarette smoking. (2011) Comparison of high protein and high fiber weight-loss diets in women with risk factors for the metabolic syndrome: a randomized trial. Korean Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition 14, 350. Siri-Tarino. (2012) Nutritional Modulation of Insulin Resistance. CrossRef 141 Amin Esfahani, Julia M. Subjects who lost more than 5 percent of their base-line weight on a carbohydrate-restricted diet had greater decreases in triglyceride levels than those who lost a similar amount of weight while following a calorie- and fat-restricted diet. W. Quantitative insulin sensitivity check index: a simple accurate method for assessing insulin sensitivity in humans. (2011) Dietary hyperglycemia, glycemic index and metabolic retinal diseases. Lemmens, Jolande Scholte, Myriam A. CrossRef 34 Jaap Keijer, Femke Hoevenaars, Arie Nieuwenhuizen, Evert van Schothorst. Analyses from which these subjects were excluded still revealed greater improvements in insulin sensitivity and triglyceride levels on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a fat- and calorie-restricted diet. Noakes, J. CrossRef 106 Jay Kandiah, Dawn Brinson, Valerie Amend. 2014. (2010) Macronutrients, Weight Control, and Cardiovascular Health: A Systematic Review. Foster. Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America 45:3, 581-604. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 31, 243-258. CrossRef 84 Lisa Te Morenga, Jim Mann. (2011) Healthy lifestyle interventions in general practice: Part 14: Lifestyle and obesity. Tepper. CrossRef 160 Mary Vernon, James Wortman. Powers, W. McCubrey, D. (2011) Reducing excessive gestational weight gain: lessons from the weight control literature and avenues for future research. (2011) Moderating Effects of Interactions Between Dietary Intake and Socioeconomic Status on the Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome. CrossRef 174 Jae Sung Ko. CrossRef 139 Hye Won Yom. 7 Clinical guidelines on the identification, evaluation, and treatment of overweight and obesity in adults -- the evidence report: executive summary. CrossRef 151 S. D. 2012. (2013) Liver disease and malnutrition. Chronic subclinical inflammation as part of the insulin resistance syndrome: the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study (IRAS). A Guide to Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome, 283-360. Shikany, R. Samuel. Sievenpiper, Cyril W. Erkrankungen des Stoffwechsels. (2010) Halo effect of a weight-loss trial on spouses: the DIRECT-Spouse study. Quintana, Nancy E. D. L. (2012) Associations between fat, sugar and other macronutrient intakes in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey. Allison. Acheson. Being overweight is primarily an issue of health. Kendall. J. Thomas, Daniel H. Although many subjects were receiving antihypertensive therapy at base line ( Table 1 ), none had a change in this therapy during the study. Bessesen. Brinkworth. Hammond. V. Deficiency of good fats EFAs leading to decreased Thermogenesis. Executive summary of the Third Report of the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III). We used stratified randomization, with blocking within strata, to ensure that each group would contain approximately equal numbers of women, subjects with diabetes, and severely obese subjects (body-mass index, 40 or higher). 2015. 2013. (2013) Positive effect of mushrooms substituted for meat on body weight, body composition, and health parameters. N. Friedman, L. Subjects in this group may have experienced greater satiety on a diet with liberal proportions of protein and fat. Vetter, David B. Popular diets: correlation to health, nutrition, and obesity. By six months, 79 subjects remained in the study (36 in the low-fat group and 43 in the low-carbohydrate group). Attieh. Furthermore, the high dropout rate and the small overall weight loss demonstrate that dietary adherence was relatively low in both diet groups. (2011) Ratio of fat to energy intake independently associated with the duration of diabetes and total cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetes. A. In addition, more precise measurements of insulin sensitivity than we used would be needed to confirm this effect of a carbohydrate-restricted diet. Many of our subjects were taking lipid-lowering medications and hypoglycemic agents. (2012) Effect of low-calorie versus low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet in type 2 diabetes. CrossRef 102 Kevin J. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes and the metabolic syndrome lost more weight during six months on a carbohydrate-restricted diet than on a calorie- and fat-restricted diet. Although greater weight loss could not entirely account for the greater decrease in triglyceride levels and increase in insulin sensitivity in the low-carbohydrate group, we cannot definitively conclude that carbohydrate restriction alone accounted for this independent effect. Govan, N. (2010) Long-term effects of weight loss with a very low carbohydrate and low fat diet on vascular function in overweight and obese patients. L. Ketheesan, J. Clifton. (2015) Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Metabolic Syndrome—Position Paper of the Indian National Association for the Study of the Liver, Endocrine Society of India, Indian College of Cardiology and Indian Society of Gastroenterology. P. Tanaka, M. (2012) Preservation of Fat-Free Mass After Two Distinct Weight Loss Diets with and without Progressive Resistance Exercise. Clifton. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hepatology 5, 51-68. 2011. Leite, Ryan DeOgburn, Joseph Ratliff, Randy Su, Joan A. CrossRef 43 Heinrich Kasper. CrossRef 12 David Houghton, Christopher Stewart, Christopher Day, Michael Trenell. By six months, seven subjects in the low-carbohydrate group had had dose reductions in oral hypoglycemic agents or insulin. CrossRef 126 Bernard M. CrossRef 21 Deirdre K Tobias, Mu Chen, JoAnn E Manson, David S Ludwig, Walter Willett, Frank B Hu. Carnes, Jonathan A. g. CrossRef 144 Suzanne Devkota, Donald K Layman. (2013) Dietary composition of carbohydrates contributes to the development of experimental type 2 diabetes. Fiber, Protein, and Lupin-Enriched Foods: Role for Improving Cardiovascular Health. Sherwood. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 24, 525-535. Adverse Reactions One subject on the low-carbohydrate diet was hospitalized with chest pain, which was ultimately determined to be unrelated to myocardial ischemia. CrossRef 31 Td Noakes. (2012) Compliance of a Small Convenience Sample and Efficacy of Short Term Modified Carbohydrate Diet on Weight Loss in Overweight College Students: A Pilot Study. (2010) Behavioral and pharmacologic therapies for obesity. However, other potential explanations include the simplicity of the diet and improved compliance related to the novelty of the diet. B. From a naturopathic perspective, there are legitimate reasons why people may gain weight that can be identified and addressed. Dietary treatment of the obese individual. D. Thijssen, Frank van Berkum, Margriet S. (2014) Questionnaire survey on lifestyle of patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. S. Sarwer. Feinman. (2011) Fad Diets in the Treatment of Diabetes. However, the explanation for this difference is not clear. Schoenfeld, Richard J. Potential of Diet and Dietary Supplementation to Ameliorate the Chronic Clinical Perturbations of Metabolic Syndrome. (2011) Drug Treatment for Obesity in the Post-Sibutramine Era. Bregman, Hera Ashfaq, Umar Khayyam, Nayyar Iqbal. (2011) Change in Food Cravings, Food Preferences, and Appetite During a Low-Carbohydrate and Low-Fat Diet. (2014) Specific Dietary Carbohydrates Differentially Influence the Life Span and Fecundity of Drosophila melanogaster. Cheung. (2010) Dietary energy source and physical conditioning affect insulin sensitivity and skeletal muscle glucose metabolism in horses. CrossRef 41 A. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 57, 383-393. (2016) Impact of low-carbohydrate diet on renal function: a meta-analysis of over 1000 individuals from nine randomised controlled trials.

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